I'm a joke/demo :'(
I'm a joke/demo :'(
Very powerful!
I cannot believe I going to be the first one to use one of your songs in a flash animation. I'm honored to do so, my good sir.
I'm quite honoured you'd honour me by using a song for a flash ;).
Thanks for the review ^^
Really incredible. It's so sad..
A zillion/zillion
Keep it up. |'(
It's all about the stories you see in your head ^^. If you can see a story with the piece, then the piece was succesful.
Thanks for the review ^^.
Out of this world.
I don't know how you pull this stuff off, but please conitnue.
Well first I locate the nearest unicorn, and have it jab me in the temple with its divine... horn thing... then I go buy some pretzels and i'm set!
I hope to bring more enjoyable stuff to you soon ^^
The Best.
I am your biggest fan, HM! This is my favorite song by you. EVERYONE LISTEN NOW PLZ KTHXBAI.
thanks a lot for the review!!!
Very Nice!
Why are you so good to me, HM?
P.S. Your Techno=The Shiznit. You're my favorite techno artist on newgrounds. No..In the world.
thanks for the 10 Flaedo! im glad i have another fan!
Holy shit.
You rock. That is an awesome tune there.
This song completely and utterly diserves the 10s I gave it. Keep rockin.
I will keep rockin as long as you keep reviewin!!
Age 33, Male
In a Buildin'.
Joined on 2/14/05